Three Pillars of e-Learning for nonprofits

This is something I talked about three months ago and then uploaded in my articles section an article about e-learning for nonprofits, based on F/OSS e-learning platforms, free (licensed) content and virtual volunteers. Unfortunately, at least for some of you ;), it was only in Spanish.

Still having to find the time to translate it, I did find the time to put it in a simple image.

The question is that, simplifying to the maximum, an e-learning course for nonprofits – and for whoever – can be done with three main pillars or pieces of the puzzle, and that these pieces can be at zero cost:

Three Pillars of e-Learning for nonprofits

[click to enlarge image]

If you can’t read the image, the pieces are:

Human Resources

e-learning platform (LMS)
Campus for Peace

Creative Commons
Project Gutenberg

Not very elaborated, but wasn’t I supposed to keep it simple? :P


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “Three Pillars of e-Learning for nonprofits” In ICTlogy, #14, November 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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