Saving Lives With a Simple PDA, article at Fortune by David Kirkpatrick.

About real and practical IT solutions mainly in Africa undertaken by consults on IT-related projects for governments, nonprofits, and groups such as the World Bank. It evaluates specific technologies, and advocates policy changes that will make it easier for tech to be useful in developing countries.

Many IT-related projects in Africa are failing. That’s because, Peters says, too many ignore the basic criteria for success: “Small, cheap, local, and relevant are the key things for IT here, with a suite of applications around the device.”

A good example of needs-driven digital divide bridging – and not private investment driven }:)

[via ITU Strategy and Policy Unit Newslog]
[via EMERGIC . o r g]



I should have posted this before, but I had not realized – until now – that the project was targeted towards education.

Lliurex is the Valencia (Spain) Administration project to introduce F/OSS based ICT in the educational system of the Valencian Comunity. Quite similar to Linex in Extremadura (Spain).

Maybe the main difference is that the later had its origins in cheapening hardware and software – they later shifted to a more political point of view – and Lliurex has born to bring ICT to education, following the path and hints of its predecessor.

Thanks Luz for the hint :)
