Research Blogs and Blogging for Science Diffusion

Francesc Balagué (interesting reading if you’re into Education 2.0, in Spanish) asks me for some references around new science publishing and diffusion systems (e.g. blogs).

Best I can do is provide the references of my own readings, gathered into a collection I named Research Blogs and Blogging for Science Diffusion (RSS Delicious). Here comes a snapshot of this evolving collection:


Chan, L., Kirsop, B. & Arunachalam, S. (2005). “Open Access Archiving: the fast track to building research capacity in developing countries”. In SciDev.Net, November 2005. London: SciDev.
Davis, P. M. (2006). “Do Open-Access articles really have a greater research impact?”. In
College & Research Libraries, 67(2), 103-104. Chicago: ACRL.
Ewins, R. (2005). “Who are You? Weblogs and Academic Identity”. In e-Learning, 2, 368-377. Oxford: Symposium Journals.
Kirsop, B. & Chan, L. (2005). “Transforming Access to Research Literature for Developing Countries”. In Serials Review, (31), 246-255. London: Elsevier.
Mortensen, T. & Walker, J. (2002). “Blogging thoughts: personal publication as an online research tool”. In Morrison, A. (Ed.), Researching Icts in Context. Oslo: InterMedia/UniPub.
Peña-López, I. (2007b). “The personal research portal: web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access for development”. In Knowledge for Management Journal, 3(1), 35-48. Amsterdam: KM4Dev Community.
Peña-López, I. (forthcoming). “The personal research portal: web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access”. In Hatzipanagos, S. & Warburton, S. (Eds.), Social Software and Developing Community Ontologies, Chapter 30. Hershey: IGI Global.
Pettenati, M. C., Cigognini, M. E., Guerin, E. & Mangione, G. R. (forthcoming). “Personal Knowledge Management Skills for Lifelong-learners 2.0”. In Hatzipanagos, S. & Warburton, S. (Eds.), Social Software and Developing Community Ontologies. Hershey: IGI Global.
Ray, B. B. & Hocutt, M. M. (2006). “Reflection and the Middle School Blogger: Do Blogs Support Reflective Practices?”. In Meridian, 9(1). Raleigh: NC State University.
Roberts, G., Aalderink, W., Cook, J., Feijen, M., Harvey, J., Lee, S. & Wade, V. P. (2005). Reflective learning, future thinking: digital repositories, e-portfolios, informal learning and ubiquitous computing. Briefings from the ALT/SURF/ILTA Spring Conference Research Seminar. Dublin: Trinity College.
Roberts, G. (2006). “MyWORLD e-Portfolios: Activity and Identity”. In Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching, 1(4). Oxford: Brookes University.
Sauer, I. M., Bialek, D., Efimova, E., Schwartlander, R., Pless, G. & Neuhaus, P. (2005). “’Blogs’ and ’Wikis’ Are Valuable Software Tools for Communication Within Research Groups”. In Artificial Organs, 29(1), 82-89. Oxford: Blackwell.
Schroeder, R. (2007). “e-Research Infrastructures and Open Science: Towards a New System of Knowledge Production?”. In Prometheus, 25(1), 1-17. London: Routledge.
Walker, J. (2006). “Blogging From Inside the Ivory Tower”. In Bruns, A. & Jacobs, J. (Eds.), Uses of blogs, 127-138. Digital Formations 38. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Ward, M. & West, S. (2007). Blogging PhD process: foregrounding the pedagogy. Communication imparted at the 8th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Vancouver: AoIR.


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