By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 02 June 2008
Main categories: Cyberlaw, governance, rights, Digital Literacy, e-Government, e-Administration, Politics, Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: amadeu abril, idp2008, iqua, martà manent, miguel pérez, monica ariño, net neutrality, ofcom, raquel xalabarder, self-regulation
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Notes from the 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress.
Session III
Round Table
Content on the internet: regulation or self-regulation?
Chairs: Raquel Xalabarder, Law Professor, UOC
Do we want to give up on the freedom we can have now? Do we want self-regulation or we want more education that leads to more commitment?, Spanish Internet Quality Agency (IQUA) and CEO
More than self-regulation, what it’s happening is that the liability to apply toughest laws if shifted towards the customer/user or the industry (ISPs and/or carriers).
But this has not been a matter of consensus, nor a widening of the range (from tough to soft) of the regulation spectrum.
Over-regulation puts an extra burden to the industry, making it more difficult for the Information Society to develop in a healthy way.
There’s a big room for metadata to play an important role in self-regulation, without being intrusive while providing good information for both the end user, the competition and the regulator.
Collective self-regulation seems another mean to name regulation against competition (i.e. my competitors.
Context matters, really matters, the problem being that exactly the same content is a really different thing when the framework changes. So how can self-regulation be effective with such a slippery landscape?
There’s a big difference between what is legal or not — and this is regulated by the laws that apply in the real world — and what is good or not. And this is another debate. And it was addressed in the TV by defining what was appropriate content depending on the time of the day, but cannot be addressed in the Internet, where both time and space are very relative concepts.
Self-regulation sounds good when at the individual level. But at the collective level, is it self-regulation? Or is is another thing? Can self-regulation be designed for communities? Besides, “compulsory self-regulation” is just regulation.
A second problem with self-regulation is that it seems to go against all moral and ethics we’ve learned in our childhood: wasn’t sharing good?
Yet another problem: there’s no transition taking place from one mindset to another one. Our mindset and our children’s are way too different and the divide between both has no transition. This poses a problem to any kind of regulatory change or, worse, a real challenge to the transmission of values.
Are we talking about the how’s before talking about the why’s? On the other hand, the debate has been focused on the economic sphere, not in the public (good) sphere. And this has caused many contradictions.
Main conflicts: intellectual property rights, security vs. privacy trade-off, control vs. freedom.
Mónica Ariño, OFCOM
If self-regulation is free adoption from the industry of any form of regulation, this does not exist. Co-regulation is what really takes place: as there is no free adoption of any kind of regulation (self-regulation), the private and public sector try and agree a second best.
For self-regulation to be effective, appropriate incentives have to be designed and these incentives have to be aligned with the public interest.
Norms have to be reasonable.
The participation of the customer is key for a better design of a self-regulatory system.
One of the main problems of self-regulation is the shift in who supports the burden of the responsibility to enforce this regulation. Indeed, there’s been some shifting too from what cannot be done, to list what can be done on the Internet, then subverting the whole rule of Law.
Besides protection, and self-regulation, there’s a tremendous work to be done in the digital and media literacy fields.
4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (2008)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 22 May 2008
Main categories: Digital Divide, Digital Literacy, Education & e-Learning, ICT4D, Meetings
Other tags: acpdecrp, antoni zabala, bdigital global congress, begoña gros, grao, ismael peña-lópez, jordi vivancos, manuel de la fuente, uoc
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(notes from the homonimous session at the bdigital Global Congress)
Moderator: Begoña Gros
Three main reports issued in 2007 in Spain about ICTs at Schools. The conclusions are more or less the same: everyone uses ICTs (teachers and students) but not at school.
Ismael Peña-López
Digital students, analogue institutions, teachers in extinction
(click here for Spanish version of the presentation and presentation downloads)
Jordi Vivancos
Knowledge and Learning Technologies, a transforming vision of ICT in Education
The Educational sector (i.e. teachers) is one of the sectors with highest penetration in the use of ICTs. So, teachers are not analogue anymore.
The design of the traditional syllabus did not make possible the introduction of ICTs in the educational programmes, especially the acquisition of digital competencies. This was solved (in Catalonia) in year 2006, where such capabilities where included in new syllabuses.
Copernican change in Education (K-12): shift from “memorizing the capitals of the world” towards “learning how to use a map”.
Three stages of tech education:
- Learning about technology
- Learning from technology (i.e. instructional technology)
- Learning along with technology: technology as a context
And especially the last stage requires huge amounts of investment to achieve total capilarity of ICTs at school.
But, computers per student, without data about its use, is a useless indicator: it is intensity and not density what counts. So investment in computers is not (only) the issue. So, how educators and schools should and could appropriate technology for teaching purposes? How to improve, through ICTs, the learning processes?
Antoni Zabala
Computer sciences at school or PC at school?
The ICT adoption problems comes not from the Education professionals, but from school policies and design. We’ve been putting computers in the schools and this has not happened anywhere else: in other sectors of the Economy, there’s been no “pc installation” but “computer-based strategies”.
We use to relate ICTs with educational innovation, in quite a Freinetian approach. But ICTs might not solve each and every problem educators have.
As long as ICTs help educators solve their problems and move ahead, ICTs will be successful. The inverse (ICTs will be successful as long as they change the way educators act) is completely wrong.
Thus, we should analyse what the necessities are, both the educators’ and the students’ in the whole educational process. And leaps are no solution, but tiny and smooth evolutions.
In this train of thought, specific tools and software are better than computers. For instance: there are plenty of handooks from which the educator can choose to impart their courses, but there’s not such a thing in the instructional technology landscape: not a real choice, not competence.
Manuel de la Fuente
ICTs and Education: A Vision from the Classrooms
Not ICTs, but KLTs: knowledge and learning technologies.
SWOT Analysis on several schools:
- Plenty of digital content
- Good educational free software
- Virtual communities of practice
- New syllabuses include digital competencies
- Global acknowledgement that digital competencies is a priority goal
- Lack of infrastructures inside the classroom, and lack of resources (e.g. maintenance) in general
- Based on goodwill not on incentives or general strategies
- Self-taught people, not formal training
- Lack of strategies
- Highly motivated educators
- High potential of KLTs
- Existing intensity of use
- Some infrastructures already installed
- Some pioneers setting up interesting best practices
- General agreement that sharing is the new scenario
- Lack of time to lead and coordinate
- Lack of training
- High dependency from the leader or the coordinator
- Existing material is but an adaptation of traditional methodologies, it’s not designed from a technological paradigm.
- Increasing loss of confidence because “the future never comes”
Way forward
- Hardware
- Resources
- Training
Comments from the audience
- Stress on media literacy, not only informational and technological literacy
- How to bring back value to content, content creation and authorship, and fight not only plagiarism, but devaluation of knowledge and reflection.
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 18 May 2008
Main categories: Digital Literacy, e-Government, e-Administration, Politics, e-Readiness, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: blogging, blogs, web 2.0
In my conference about Digital Citizens vs. Analogue Institutions I spoke — among other things — about the importance of blogging for democracy, human rights and the development of the Information Society. And I stated that, even if we could not draw a direct relationship between all these variables — which we cannot so far —, we could set up a path where all these concepts formed part of the same equation.
Now Víctor R. Ruiz asks me to elaborate this idea.
First things first: with the data available at the moment (in this case from UNPAN — UN e-Government Survey 2008. From e-Government to Connected Governance — and Universal McCann — Wave 3 —) we cannot state that there is a close or strong relationship between blogging and the development of e-Government. In the figure that follows UNPAN’s e-Government index is compared with Universal McCann data about creation of blogs. The figure speaks (or, actually, does not speak at all) for itself:
So, what is the relationship then between blogs and e-Government? I’ll try and draw here two lines of thought, schematically for clarity’s sake (see below for references where to dig for some evidence about the following statements). Please keep in mind that when I say things like “there is a relationship” or “there is a correlation”, no explanation for causality is intended: variables seem to have a parallel evolution, but we (still) do not know whether one determines the other, the contrary or not at all. The argument is better followed by browsing through the slides I used at my conference:
Information Society, e-Governenment and Human Rights
- Economic development is tied to the development of the Information Society (slide 3 and references below).
- And not only economic development, but human progress at large (slide 3).
- Part of this human progress is human rights: the maturity of the Information Society seems closely related to the maturity in human rights issues in one society or region as measured, for instance, by the degree of democracy, freedom of speech or civil liberties (slide 4).
- The index of e-Government is correlated with ICT infrastructures, in particular, and with e-Readiness in general (slide 7).
- And the index of e-Government is, again, related to other human rights as gender development, which, at its turn, is related to self-expression, identity, etc. (slide 8)
Conclusion? The triangle formed by e-Readiness (development degree of the Information Society), e-Government and Human Rights (especially those about freedom of speech and thought in general) is formed by three variables that seem to evolve in parallel: when one of them scores high, so do the other two.
Information Society, e-Government and Digital Literacy
- Progress in Education is tied to the development of the Information Society (slide 5).
- We even find that there is a general acknowledgment that the presence of computers in the classroom and teaching quality are related one to the other — we can understand this as digital literacy being a critical component of a good education (slide 6).
- Digital literacy (e.g. being able to perform web searches or to chat online with other people) is quite related with the index of e-Government readiness (slides 9 & 10).
- Indeed, participation itself and e-Government depends on the online experience of the user: the more they’ve been online (which should mean a more digitally literate user), the more they participate (a key for e-Government) (slide 12).
Conclusion? The triangle formed by e-Readiness (development degree of the Information Society), e-Government and Digital Literacy is formed by three variables that seem to evolve in parallel: when one of them scores high, so do the other two.
Blogs for e-Government
So, even if the direct correlation between the e-Government readiness index and the creation of blogs brings poor results (maybe because of poor data too), I wonder if we can establish an indirect relationship.
On one hand, there is plenty of evidence (see the valuable work of the OpenNet Initiative or Reporters Without Borders) that democracy and blogs make good friends, and that authoritarianism systematically persecute bloggers or, at least, try and block the access to their sites.
On the other hand (and again, the Pew Internet & American Life Project or Digital Natives project are bringing more and more evidence about it), it is my opinion that blogging is strongly related to a higher level of digital literacy, not because of blogging itself, but because of all the accompanying activities around blogging that we usually dub as the Web 2.0: editing photos and video, podcasting, uploading and sharing multimedia files, social networking sites, etc.
Summing up. On one side, e-Readiness, e-Government, Human Rights and Digital Literacy are correlated: not a development of the Information Society and e-Government without a certain degree of Human rihts and Digital Literacy. On the other side, blogging might not be enough to foster e-Government, but blogging does need a high degree of freedom of speech and political liberties (i.e. Human Rights) and quite a degree of Digital Literacy. So, in my opinion, blogging is a good proxy for both e-Readiness and e-Government. Why necessary and not sufficient? Sufficient because the existence of blogging implies that there are no barriers to the evolution of Human Rights and Digital Literacy, conditions related to the achievevent of high levels of e-Government development and a healthy Information Society. But not necessary because there might be no barriers and, actually, people not feel the need to blog, but express their freedom of thought and digital literacy in other ways (i.e. people might be digitally literate and free, but hate blogging). This could explain while there is no correlation between e-Government and a complex thing like blogging.
Further reading
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 13 May 2008
Main categories: Digital Literacy, e-Readiness, Education & e-Learning, Meetings
Other tags: bdigital global congress, digital natives
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Next 20, 21 and 22 May 2008 takes place the bdigital Global Congress, one of the major events about the Information Society in Spain.
Our University has been asked to organize the Education track, that will be chair by our Innovation Vicerector Begoña Gros. I have been invited to impart the opening speech for the track, and
give an overview of the relationship between the development of the Society and economic development, and how both questions are closely related to the acquisition of digital competences by the citizens. In this matter, the situation of ICTs at school and their use by teachers and students will be analyzed, proposing some strategies to foster ICTs in the educational framework.
I here advance the material I prepared for that session as a request for comments. Feel free to send any feedback about it. Thank you in advance.
English version follows. Please click here for the original version in Spanish and the downloadable version for both languages.
Many thanks to Julio Meneses for so kindly sharing some graphic materials. Thanks also to Begoña Gros and Jaume Moregó for counting me in.
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 10 May 2008
Main categories: Digital Literacy, e-Government, e-Administration, Politics, Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: alberto ortiz de zarate tercero, alorza, blogs, cesar ramos, enterprise, genis roca, icities
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iCities is a Conference about Blogs, e-Government and Digital Participation.
Here come my notes for session IX
Debate: The Handbook of the blog in the enterprise.
Chairs: César Ramos
We should focus on what is an enterprise and not on blogs. Do we agree on what do we understand by “enterprise”? An enterprise is:
- the acknowledged and legal way to have a personal adventure.
- A temporal union of people around an interest
- An interest group
- An institution: a big telecom is like a ministry, and a ministry like an enterprise.
There are many enterprises: working for your own or employed, with or without employees, with or without workmates, with or without leadership, with or without partners, etc.
Blogging in the enterprise is easy when you’re alone (e.g. freelance) or part of a network and with small decision-taking capacity. If you’re a big decision-taker in a big institution, blogging is more difficult.
The problem is that most GDP and employment is generated at big institutions. So, blogs and GDP and employment do not (so far) go hand in hand. And more, while freelances are 2.0 and explain how do they do things, and the others explain what they did achieve and their version is the number of the inflation rate, which is the number that counts.
Real value of blogs: do they affect the ROI? EBITDA? power quota? value of shares? brand? customer satisfaction? …really?
Enterprises need to improve performance. If blogs play this game, great. If not, forget about them.
The bigger the enterprise, the deafer it is to customer “noise”.
So, what’s a blog?
- A tool
- A communication medium
- A lifestyle
- A participative social action
- A part of a biggest thing: the blogosphere
- A selling platform?
- An advertising platform?
A blog is a way to listen and talk with the network (not to the network)
The blog can be used to listen and know about your:
- Customer habits
- Campaigns
- Branding
- Reputation
- Notoriety
- Competence
- Ways to innovate and improve
- Authority
- Ways to listen inside the enterprise
The conversation is ubiquitous.
Once you’ve listened, now it’s time to speak and share: listen, reflect, link. Some uses:
- Viral campaings
- Microniches
- Public Relationships
- Communication medium
- Show authority
- Leverage notority
- Create communities
- Team building
- Innovate with the user
- …but not intended for selling
The keys to success… in a World that’s changed:
- Be connected
- Openness to the World
- Weave networks
- Become an attractive place
- Control is not relevant
- Having is not important, but linking
My reflections
I don’t think the size is that important in the reason behind having or not a blog (to impact the ROI, etc.), but:
- Their dependence on the customer’s opinion
- Their degree of competition within the sector
- Their dependence on innovation for survival
Two examples: IBM and Dell are increasingly becoming more 2.0. They are big, but depend on the customer, on innovation and the market is really competitive. On the other hand, big banks, big oil enterprises or the Administration, are almost monopolies (or oligopolies), do not depend on the customer and do not depend on innovation.
Antoni Gutierrez-Rubi adds to my arguments another reason: dependence on brand and reputation.
Genís Roca adds that this might be more a cultural issue (i.e. we are native digitals and think openness as a natural and a necessary thing) than a business valid argument. Maybe, if decision-takers happen to know and learn and perceive this cultural change and see how it really affects their firm, maybe then they’ll shift towards 2.0, but…
iCities 2008, Blogs, e-Government and Digital Participation (2008)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 09 May 2008
Main categories: Connectivity, Digital Divide, Digital Literacy, e-Government, e-Administration, Politics, e-Readiness, Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: alcalde, candelaria, david cierco, icities, jose sindo garcia, plan avanza
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iCities is a Conference about Blogs, e-Government and Digital Participation.
Here come my notes for session I (part II).
ICTs will improve the image that public administrations have before the citizenry: proximity, transparency, etc.
e-Administration and Modernization go hand in hand and they are co-requisites for the development of both.
The Public Sector does have to bet on digital literacy training for their public servants. But not only their employees, but also firms. With this digital literacy many projects can take place: instant messaging for better communication, datasharing through wireless networks, e-commerce, etc.
Free software is very important for the Public Sector, and again, also for enterprises.
Some reflections:
- To be connected does not mean appropriate use of the Internet
- To be in the Net does not mean being in the Net.
- Technological quality does not guarantee quality in Politics
Video in Spanish about the Plan Avanza, the Spanish Government plan to foster the Information Society:
The Plan Avanza is a bottom-up aimed plan, where it pursues empowering citizenship initiatives, the main asset being sharing: experiences, resources, knowledge, etc.
Thus, many nonprofits are being the actual leaders of many projects.
For an e-Administration to be really “2.0” in the field of development cooperation, the output of the development cooperation founds should be open: open contents, open educational resources, free software… Once payed with public money, all output should be made freely available to the society at large.
There’s an agreement that there’s an urgent need for training:
- training on use, to learn how to get the most benefit from digital technologies, specially to the citizenry at large
- training on e-awareness, to learn how to change our functioning paradigms and models (and business models), specially to decision-takers and policy-makers
iCities 2008, Blogs, e-Government and Digital Participation (2008)