Monograph: Development Cooperation 2.0
- Najat Rochdi: Innovating in the Use of ICT for Human Development: the Key in the Transition to a New Phase in ICT4D
- John Dryden: ICT Mainstreaming and the Quality of Development Cooperation
- ICT and the Quality of the Spanish Development Cooperation in the New 2009-2012 Programming Cycle
- Najet Teutit: Digital Solidarity: New Forms of Solidarity for Development
- Innovation and Local Creativity
- Worshops DEMO: GONG Project, management software for NGOs
- Vikas Nath: Cooperation Agencies or Cooperation Networks?
- Multistakeholder Networks and Multi-Network Actors in Development
- Kentaro Toyama: Research on ICT for Human Development
- University and ICT4D
- Stéphane Boyera: Mobile Phone for Human Development?
- Innovative Uses of Mobile ICTs for Development
- Centres for Research and Innovation Development and for ICT
- Development Cooperation 2.0 2009: conclusions
Information Society
- Derrick de Kerckhove: Digital Natives (and immigrants) and the potential pathologies
- Francis Pisani: The Alchemy of Crowds