Monograph. 12th Internet, Law and Politics Conference
- IDP2016 (I). Hugh Beale: The future of European Contract Law in the light of the European Commission’s proposals for Directives on digital content and on-line sales
- IDP2016 (II). Digital Single Market and e-Commerce
- IDP2016 (III). Raquel Xalabarder: Copyright law for a digital single market: how far are we from achieving it?
- IDP2016 (IV). E-government
- IDP2016 (V). Data protection
- IDP2016 (VI). Cybercrime
- IDP2016 (VII). New Political Parties & Cyber-activism
- IDP2016 (VIII). Lance Bennett: The Democratic Interface: Communication and Organizational Change in Movements and Parties
- IDP2016 (IX). New Media, Citizens & Public Opinion
- IDP2016 (X). Céline Deswarte: Towards a future proof legal framework for digital privacy in Europe