Monograph: Institutions of the Post-democracy: globalization, empowerment and governance
- PostDem (I). Ismael Peña-López: The Second Transition?
- PostDem (II). Joan Subirats: Governance. The Third Axis
- PostDem (III). Alessandro Di Battista: multilevel movements. The Movimento 5 Stelle
- PostDem (IV). Lourdes Muñoz Santamaría: Parties. PSC BCN: network party, open party
- PostDem (V). Roger Palà: media. Mediacat and the Yearbook of the media silences
- PostDem (VI). Ada Colau: citizenry. The PAH: from the ILP to the ‘escraches’
- PostDem (VII). David Fernàndez: parliaments. The CUP: one foot on the street, one foot in the Parliament