ICT4D Blog

Web2forDev 2007 (X): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development (V)

Giacomo Rambaldi
The Story of Web2ForDev

Used DGroups, Website, Google Analytics, Blog, Wiki, Social Bookmarking, Google Coop, Facebook… and many more.

We were technologically not ready when the whole thing began, not even had proper microphones for skype conferences, but they’ve caught up at tremendous speed. Keeping up-to-date with fast changing technologies.

Different work style and attitudes required by innovative appraoch and “new” technologies.

Rules and regulations within institutions, such as security concerns.

Getting to the minimum level of equipment (low investment)

Main outputs of the online effort:

Enrico Bertacchini
The Creative Commons Project: Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Age

What happens with databases? Are they covered by CC licenses? Do they suppose creativity? In Europe, they are not covered by copyright (but the content they hold do)

Creative Commons International: launched in 2003, adapts CC licenses to national jurisdictions (License Porting), creates an international netework of copyright experts.

Science Commons (launched 2006) to help scholars publish and disseminate their knowledge, scientific findings, etc. See their projects for further and up-to-date details:

Stephan Dohrn, Peter Shelton
Using Web 2.0 to Reduce Data Input and Maximize Output: A Case Study of the CAPRi Web Site

The Collective Action and Property Rights is a website hosted by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) that went recently renewed to join new trends of the Web: RSS feeds, database integration by means of XML broadcasting, resource lists in del.icio.us, blogs.

The search box is powered by Google Custom Search, which features plenty of built-in features such as filtering by presentations, documents… besides the intelligent filtering of a custom search.

The blog was created to keep track of the listserve mails.

Lessons learned

More info:


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