Erkki Sutinen
Can an ICT professional be trained to spark innovation? Background for a contextualized ICT undergraduate program at Tumaini University, Iringa, Tanzania
EdTechΔ research group, focusing on educational technology creation, under these premises:
- Making a difference in action
- Triangulation in research
- Multiple perspective in development
- Bidirectional partnerships
How come does our education system train professionals who can design an architecture to meet the needs written in a specification, for making existing processes more efficient, but not experts who can creatively, critically and supportingly talk with their customers and identify their real needs?
New project in the ICT undergraduate program at Tumaini University, Iringa, Tanzania, to make the students re-link their new skills and knowledge to the needs of that society where they have come from
Principles of the ICT program
- Contextualization, local problems as starting points for projects
- Practical and interdisciplinary orientation
- International recognition
- Continuous research for the program’s formative development
Which color is ICT professional’s collar when mining a problem? Is it blue? Should it be white?
ICT program in the light of ICT4D dialectics
- exogenous vs. endogenous? to culturally discover meaningful entry points to ICT, in the spectrum between practical needs and theoretical models of computaion
- top-down or bottom up? gaining ownership to emerging vs. guaranteeing access to given
- open source or proprietary software? garage mentality
- partnership or delivery? I4D, VISCoS, Knowledge Management journal, Vol 3, No 1: monographic about Stewarding technologies for collaboration, community building and knowledge sharing in development