About — and why — the review
ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, is a gathering of news, reflexions, articles about the role and impact of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D), though it covers a wide range of disciplines directly or indirectly related to ICT4D: the Digital Divide, e-Readiness, e-Inclusion, Digital Literacy, Open Access, Nonprofit Technology, ICT Reglulation, the Information Society, e-Learning.
ICTlogy began its way in October 21st, 2003, as the blog of both a practicioner and a researcher in the field of ICT4D. Blogs have, notwithstanding, two major drawbacks:
a) they are difficult to cite in (academic) bibliographies
b) have not already reached a legitimate status as scholarly literature
Hence, a review. ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, is nothing but the re-edition of the relevant blog articles (e.g. no "setup" categories or "hi" posts) in the shape of a review: an author, an editor, numbered issues, a subscription option, a contact for feedback and a valid ISSN. Now you can cite all articles. About their quality, time will tell.
Editorial Info
The review is monthly and you can access on-time updates (before month ends and
last number issues) by subscribing here.
Ismael Peña-López
Lecturer of Public Policies for Development and ICT4D
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya / Open University of Catalonia
Example of citation of articles
#32, May 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from http://ictlogy.net/review/?p=402