OECD Communications Outlook 2007


Work data:

ISBN: 978-92-64-00681-2

Type of work: Report


ICT Infrastructure


This report, the ninth in a series of biennial Communications Outlooks, was prepared in the context of the OECD’s work on the analysis of communication policy in member countries.

The report was drafted by the staff working in the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, including Dimitri Ypsilanti, Taylor Reynolds and Frédéric Bourassa as well as John Houghton from Victoria University. Andra Leurdijk, Gabriela Bodea and Jop Esmeijer from TNO (the Netherlands) drafted Chapter 6 on broadcasting. The authors are grateful for the contribution of information by telecommunication carriers and to national delegations that responded in 2006 to an OECD questionnaire relating to industry regulation and data.

The authors also would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Tom Vest and Netcraft for providing data. The pricing comparisons are undertaken in co-operation with Teligen Ltd., from which quarterly updates of some pricing indicators using the OECD methodology are directly available. Many of the other indicators in this report are available in electronic format from the OECD Telecommunication Database 2007, covering the period 1980-2006.

The draft of this report was presented to the OECD Working Party on Communication Infrastructure and Services Policy at its meeting of 12-13 December 2006. The Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy subsequently recommended that the report be made available to the general public.