The Economic and Social Role of Internet Intermediaries


Work data:

Type of work: Report


ICT Infrastructure


Internet intermediaries give access to, host, transmit and index content originated by third parties or provide Internet-based services to third parties. This reports develops a common definition and understanding of what Internet intermediaries are, of their economic function and economic models, of recent market developments, and discusses the economic and social uses that these actors satisfy. It is Part I of the Committee’s larger project on the role of Internet intermediaries in advancing public policy objectives.

This report is Part I of the larger project on Internet intermediaries. It develops a common definition and understanding of what Internet intermediaries are, of their economic function and economic models, of recent market developments, and discusses the economic and social uses that these actors satisfy. The overall goal of the horizontal report of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP) is to obtain a comprehensive view of Internet intermediaries, their economic and social function, development and prospects, benefits and costs, and responsibilities. It corresponds to the item on ’Forging Partnerships for Advancing Policy Objectives for the Internet Economy’ in the Committee‘s work programme.

This report was prepared by Ms. Karine Perset of the OECD‘s Directorate for Science Technology and Industry. It was declassified by the ICCP Committee at its 59th Session in March 2010. It is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. It was originally issued under the code DSTI/ICCP(2009)9/FINAL.

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