Searching the Internet
Work data:
Type of work: Learning Material
Digital Literacy | ICT4DAbstract:
Developed by: Anna Feldman for the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Unit overview: This unit takes participants through the process of understanding the priorities involved in finding information successfully on the Internet.
Duration: 3-4 hours
Target audience: People from telecentres/CSO/development sectors who need to develop their information-gathering skills. People who have been frustrated by previous attempts to locate useful information on the Internet.
Prerequisite skills: Keyboard and mouse skills, familiarity with Windows and an Internet browser. Some familiarity with Internet browsing.

Contents of the RAR file:
- Notes for trainers (MS Word)
- Handout (MS Word)
- PowerPoint presentation (MS PowerPoint)
- Glossary (MS Word)
- Exercises (MS Word)
- Examples handout (MS Word)
- List of additional resources (MS Word)
- Workshop evaluation form (for trainees) (MS Word)
- Materials evaluation form (for trainers) (MS Word)
- Copyright statement (MS Word)
Original Source: ITrainOnline Multimedia Training Kit