I don’t usually go personal in this blog, but this is a very special occasion:
On September 8th, 2009, at 18:00h, in Barcelona, I’m doing the defence of my PhD thesis Measuring digital development for policy-making: models, stages, characteristics and causes, which deals about the digital economy and whether governments should help in its development for it might have a positive impact on the real economy and on the society at large (say “aye” to everything).
Scholar orthodoxy does not allow me (yet) to upload here the original manuscript, though some teasers can be found at my notes on the seminar I did at the Catalan Government Department for the Information Society (Measuring digital development for policy-making: Models, stages, characteristics and causes. The role of the government) and the presentation I did to my colleagues of the i2TIC research group (Measuring digital development for policy-making: Models, stages, characteristics and causes. The role of the government) — same titles: the former with notes, the later with some more information.
Thus, so far there’s only room for waiting… and acknowledgements. This is how my PhD thesis begins:
To the people that pushed, that pulled and that accompanied me on the way:
To my parents, Ismael and Mª del Pilar, for having always stayed behind me and pushing me ahead with the best of gifts ever: education.
To Pere Fabra Abat, for staying in front of me by committing to my project and making out of me a scholar.
To Mercè, for staying besides me by grace of a Benedettian deal; for letting me know, every day, that I could count “con usted / es tan lindo / saber que usted existe / uno se siente vivo”.
My first thoughts in this section necessarily go to Tim Kelly. I will never find the words to thank him for his time, the only thing in the world we (still) cannot buy, and I much regret the fact that I will have little chance to pay him back for all his personal dedication. Of all the things I owe to him, I will just mention confidence, almost blind confidence, when he accepted to supervise my dissertation. Confidence, almost as scarce as time.
This dissertation somehow has its roots planted in 2001, when I first took the path of ICT4D. Hanne Engelstad and Yolanda Franco, Joan Fuster and Carles Esquerré were there to join me in to build an audacious project that made of me a professional. Remei Camps joined shortly afterwards, followed by Mónica Choclán, and Josep Salvatella came in and out with most valuable advice. Thank you so much.
Joan Torrent, Francisco Lupiáñez, and Pilar Ficapal were crucial in the third part of the dissertation – and, personally, at many other stages. They deserve a lot of credit for many of the successes that might be in the quantitative part of the dissertation: I am glad I did follow their advice. Joan gave me extra advice in some formal aspects of the dissertation which I highly highly appreciate.
To Agustí Cerrillo, David Martínez, Miquel Peguera – especially for taking it very personal –, Diana Amigó and my other colleagues at the School of Law and Political Science of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya for endless and friendly support when I needed it most (i.e. throughout the whole process).
I owe big gratitude to the anonymous reviewers that sent feedback with most interesting suggestions about the original manuscript.
I am in debt to Tim Unwin (ICT4D Collective, Royal Holloway University of London) for – amongst other things – trying to build a discipline out of the blue and coming up with the Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium and for his commitment and support for novices in the field. The three editions (so far) of the symposium have been amazing learning places. Besides Tim, thanks go to other faculty that thought the project was interesting enough to take part in it: Erkki Sutinen, Khalid Rabayah, Seugnet Blignaut. A special thought goes to Gudrun Wicander, Florence Nameere Kivunike, Isabella Rega, Marcus Duveskog, Annika Andersson, Mathias Hatakka, Marije Geldof, David Hollow, Peter Rawsthorne, Paolo Brunello, Evelyn Kigozi Kahiigi, Ugo Vallauri, Clint Rogers, Mikko Vesisenaho and all other participants for making it possible and unselfishly sharing their knowledge and warmth.
I have enormous gratitude to John Palfrey, Jonathan Zittrain, Urs Gasser, Marcus Foth, Amar Ashar, Mike Best, Ethan Zuckerman and the rest of the faculty and participants in the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme 2007, held at the Harvard University’s Berkman Center in July that year. There have been few times when I have worked so hard and even fewer times when it was so worthwhile.
I have a big sense of gratitude to Dennis McCauley (The Economist Intelligence Unit) and Irene Mia (World Economic Forum) for the time they spent with me and the patient answers to my questions on their respective indices.
A special thought goes to Amy K. Mahan. I’d really love it if you could have read these lines. Thank you so much for the information you sent and the warmth with which you sent it.
Justin Smith (Inside Facebook) and Linda Collard (Synovate) sent, respectively, valuable data on Facebook and Social Networking Site: I really appreciated that.
To Ben Compaine (Boston University), Mike Jensen (IT Consultant) and Phillippa Biggs (International Telecommunication Union) and Divakar Goswami (LIRNEasia): thanks for the dialogue.
To María Rosalía Vicente Cuervo (Universidad de Oviedo): thanks for your own dissertation and kindness.
Very very… very special words to Alison Gillwald, Charley Lewis, Christoph Stork, Khaled Fourati, Alex Comninos, Steve Esselaaar and all the people at the LINK Center: your work rocks. Everybody should recognise about its value and, most important, its relevance and the difficulty of doing it in the most challenging continent. You deserve my deepest admiration.
I deeply admire George Sciadas for his work represents a turning point in the debate about e-Readiness and the measuring of the Information Society. I also do want to thank you for writing back after the confusion: that was really kind.
Richard Heeks (Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester) deserves my deepest admiration too for also contributing to build a discipline out of the blue and, indeed, for sharing the making of it online.
Teresa Peters and people behind Bridges.org have my deepest recognition for, in my opinion, having drawn the blueprints of e-Readiness.
Manuel Acevedo, ICT4D Consultant and another brother in arms at the PhD programme, is able to mix cleverness and kindness in unprecedented ways. Thanks for Madrid, Sevilla, Bonn, Gijón and those still to come.
To the Italian cluster: Paolo Massa (Scientific and Technological Research Centre of Bruno Kessler Foundation), Marco Zennaro, Enrique Canessa and Carlo Fonda (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics): Thanks for just being great.
John Daly (Development Gateway) edited one of the first – if not the first one – ICT4D blogs I ever read, always coming up with interesting news and insights. I am also in debt to other ICT4D and Information Society experts who shared their knowledge through their blogs (and other digital platforms): Christian Kreutz; Mikhail Doroshevich; Florian Sturm, Martin Konzet and all the people at ICT4D.at, Jon Camfield, Ricard Ruiz de Querol, Tryggvi Thayer, Enrique Dans, Jaume Albaigès and Olga Berrios.
Same as above, but at the institutional level: LIRNEasia, i4d journal, TIER, CIS Washington, PEW Internet Project: please do keep on publishing your stuff.
The ivory tower wouldn’t have crashed down without the friendship of the Spanish ICT4D and NPTECH community, to whom I owe the unquestionable honour to be always kept in their minds José Antonio “Tito” Niño (Spanish Red Cross); Agustí Pérez Foguet and Enginyeria Sense Fronteres Catalunya; Yolanda Rueda, Adrien Mangin and the people at Fundación Cibervoluntarios; Paco Prieto, Jimena Pascual, Josema Alonso and the people at Fundación CTIC; Jordi Duran, Ramon Bartomeus & the people at iWith.org; Frederic Cusí, Cesk Gasulla and the people at Fundación Esplai; Xavi Capdevila and Guillermo Rojo at Fundació FIAS; Valentín Villarroel and Ingeniería Sin Fronteras Madrid; Carlota Franco, Mar Vallecillos, Elena Acín, Paloma Ortega, Marta Reina, Marisol García, Paloma Fundación Chandra; Mai Escobar and Fundación Bip-Bip; Àlex Garcia-Albà and Alexandra Haglund-Petitbó at Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament; Rafael Ruipérez Palmero at AECI Colombia; Gemma Xarles at the Escuela Virtual para América Latina y el Caribe.
Robert Guerra (formerly ICANN and TakingITGlobal, now Freedom House) and Michael Trucano (infoDev at The World Bank): thanks for counting me in.
I want to thank Karin Deutsch Karlekar and Sarah Cook for letting me participate in the reviewing of the questionnaire for the first edition of the Freedom on the Net report. That was a thrilling thing to be in from the start.
A thank you, and a big kudos to the organizers and participants of the Web2fordev conference in Rome, for making of it a milestone in several senses.
I owe César Córcoles (School of Computer Science and Multimedia Studies, UOC) an explanation (or an apology) about communicating vessels and non-reciprocity (or imbalance, to be fair) in knowledge exchange. Stop it, so I can pay you back.
Enric Senabre, a brother in arms at the PhD Programme, might be surprised to find himself here. This is the price you pay for humbleness.
Julià Minguillón and Josep Maria Duart, (UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning – the both of them – and RUSC Review of ICTs and Education – the latter), Agustí Cerrillo (Master in e-Administration) and Rosa Borge (Master in e-Governance) have a curious way of helping people out by giving them more work. It’s insane, but it’s fun, especially when it is related to one’s own research interests.
Mercè wants to appear in the acknowledgements section too – despite already appearing in the dedication which I tell her is better –, so here you are.
There is some supporting people that I might have forgotten: exhaustion plays havoc on memory. My humblest apologies to those who consider having earned for themselves being cited amongst these lines.
À Evite A.: “Perdono tutti e a tutti chiedo perdono. Va bene? Non fate troppi pettegolezzi”.
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Thanks for the acknowledgment, Ismael. Good luck on your thesis defense in September!
Good luck, Ismael — not that you’ll need it! We’ll be thinking of you. – JP
I’m sure it will be an amazing thesis defence. I’ll stay there on September!
You are a great guy Ismael! I’m happy I had the pleasure to meet you!
And I remember the talk you gave in Trento when you said “Fuck!” when the English word for “hoe” didn’t come to your mind and you were mimicking it and saying “fuck”. I like to remember you like that! ;)
All the best to you as you approach your defense. Good luck! – Mark Oppenneer
Congratulations for this moment. I’ll try to be there. I’m sure it will be very interesting. Good luck!
Ismael, I will certainly be there. As Paolo said, “you are a great guy”, in many many senses. I wish we had more time to exchange ideas, but nevertheless you are a huge reference for me and I have few words to thank you for all your help and support during my own PhD thesis. Congratulations! :)
Thank you very much everyone… including Paolo, who revealed intimacies of mine to a distinguished audience ;)
Also good luck from my side. It always has been a pleasure to exchange through our blogs. Hope we see each other soon again! Best Christian
Indeed: Best of luck on 8 September, Ismael!
Not that you’ll need them, but we’ll be sending all the good vibes we can muster on your way.
suerte con todo for soldiering on the field!! Floor them on the 8th of September.
Good Luck Ismael, I am quite sure you ll have a remarkable occasion, the whole ICT4D community will remember it, you are really decent man.
Hope to continue hearing your good news.
No me queda más que sumarme a los buenos deseos y felicitaciones colega. Los mejores deseos para esta etapa que empieza.
un abrazo
Wow, thanks for the acknowledgement. Although, I would argue that I’ve gained more from your blog than you from mine (which has been a little quite recently though my icelandic one has been all the more active). Good luck on your defense.
And to think there’s quite a lot of people I’ve never met offline: Tryggvi, Silvia, Mike, Mark… :)
Ismael, I wish you in bocca al lupo!
I’d really like to attend to the event…is there a chance that it could be webcasted? :) I am pretty sure a lot of followers would be interested and …a lot of pettegolezzi could arise from that ;)
all the best!
maria chiara
Isma, I think maria chiara’s suggestion is great. Can we stream your presentation? I know a lot of people who would be really interested in watching in from the other side of the Atlantic. :) If you need help setting this up, let me know.
I already asked for the possibility to stream the defence some days ago, but have no answer yet…
Grà cies a tu per les aportacions i compartir-ho!
Mooltes felicitats :)
Gracias por acordarte de mÃ!!!! Espero que todo te salga muy bien el 8, que por cierto, es el dÃa de Asturias.
Suerte, mucha suerte
mis más sinceras felicitaciones por ya llegar al final de un poceso tan largo. no tengo dudas que todo va a salir bien.
congrats in advance Ismael – I, like many others, will be interested to read the full document!
Sort demà !! Espero amb ganes poder-me passar, if not: take no enemies!
Humble boy :)
Molta sort per demà Ismael.
No ens coneixem però, com puc (conferències, cursos, blog tot i que no sé gaire anglès :S), et vaig seguint des de fa un temps.
Bona lectura. Disfruta del moment.
24h before deadline, thank you, grà cies, gracias a todos… :)
(moltes grà cies, Montse: el proper cop que ens “veiem”, saluda’m!)
Ãnimo!!! Y sobre todo mucha tranquilidad. Ya verás cómo seguro que te sale todo estupendamente.