Launched, respectively, in October 2005 and February 2006, both the Report on the WSIS Stocktaking and the Golden Book project gather projects around ICT4D, the MDG and all the goals of the WSIS.
The Report on the WSIS Stocktaking gives a brief summary of the many projects and initiatives being implemented at the local, national and international levels around the world, with a special focus on multi-stakeholder partnerships as an important means of mainstreaming ICTs in all aspects of life.
The Golden Book project […] complements the WSIS Stocktaking exercise, but focuses specifically on new projects conceived or undertaken during the Tunis Phase and new financial commitments for activities related to WSIS implementation. The intention is to mobilise and promote commitments, an raise awareness of them and their profile in the media.
I guess the best resources — as usual — are both databases. BTW, they don’t have the same information, though one might think that the Stocktaking database should include the Golden Book database.
- WSIS Stocktaking
- Golden Book: Stakeholder Commitments and Initiatives
- WSIS Stocktaking: searchable database
- Golden Book: searchable database
Golden Book publication (939 Kb)
Report on the WSIS Stocktaking (709 Kb)
[first seen, in part, in the DG]
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2006) “WSIS Stocktaking and Golden Book” In ICTlogy,
#30, March 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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