Update to WP 1.5

Just updated to WordPress 1.5.
So far, no time to see the “pros” but only the “cons”: lotta work.

Here my path for next time:

First impression: my template’s gone to hell.
Options? Many.
Work? Many.

I really want a three column theme, so:

  • Download Devenir En Gris theme and copy it as my own theme.
  • Customize my own teme little by little until it looks like something near to what it looked like before

Next readings:

Besides all the mess, my kudos to the WP development team for letting me have to change my template for the last time (it seems next versions will be more respectful with look’n’feels)



Next 7, 8 and 9 March I’ll be speaking at Volunet.

Volunet is the International Conference on Volunteering and New Technologies organized by the Xunta de Galicia, the Government of Galicia, Spain.

The program is still provisional, but it looks quite interesting – I’ll try and post it here when it is official.

This is what I’m asked to do there:

  • Tuesday 7th, 18:30. Workshop: e-Learning for Development, where I will show what we do in the Campus for Peace and my idea that it is possible to set up e-learning projects for free by means of free software (LMS), free content (CC and LO repositories), and unselfish human resources (online volunteers)
  • Friday 8th, 18:30. Workshop: e-Learning for Development. Same as preceeding day.
  • Saturday 9th, 10:00. Plenary session: Online Volunteering, where I will talk about the online volunteer profile, e-volunteer taxonomy and typology and my favorite hypothesis: the online volunteer is a knowledge intensive one (which, besides, I guess it’s obvious ;) In fact, I will be talking one hour long just about that – hope I don’t get the audience bored to death


The Sphere Project Training Modules

Sphere is based on two core beliefs: first, that all possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising out of calamity and conflict, and second, that those affected by disaster have a right to life with dignity and therefore a right to assistance.

Sphere is three things: a handbook, a broad process of collaboration and an expression of commitment to quality and accountability.

During 2004 the handbook was deeply revised and updated and a Training Program was “developed to help practitioners learn how to apply the Sphere handbook in their work”, i.e. to help training of trainers in the Sphere Project issues.


Time2read plugin

I’ve also installed Time2read WP plugin that estimates, by counting the words, the average reading time of the post. A nonsense I’m glad to have added to this ICT4D blog


Trencaspammers: antispam WP plugin

Tired of spam.
Even though WP blacklist worked fine, I still got a lot of comments/spam in the “awaiting moderation” menu, and had to check all of them to avoid errors in the filtering.

Now I installed Trencaspam, a hack that inserts an image with a code you have to type when submiting a comment.

Now that I changed my hosting provider it all works fine (with the previous one I did not had the last PHP version and could not create dynamically the images). Hope it works also for spammers.



i4donline.net is an ICT4D magazine I had sometimes seen and leafed through but never posted about. Just added to my right menu links.

You can suscribe and pay and have it home in paper or browse it full text from your desk/laptop. :)


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