This is quite off topic but it will be useful in my speech in Madrid on Friday: an article at Penn State – Shared awareness key to successful computer-supported collaboration – mainly about networking:
Team members can collaborate more successfully and create better solutions to complex, ill-defined problems by using software tools that support members’ shared understanding of long-term goals, plans, challenges and allocation of resources
This is, more or less, what I think of networking with the support of intranets and virtual volunteers as a backoffice for not-in-house staff, be them expatriate volunteers and experts or, simply, people at decentralized offices.
And the gem:
“[Activity] Awareness [in the sense of knowing more about the project] is both a process and a product,” the researchers wrote. “The more aware people are, the less there is a need to coordinate activities.”
[via Nancy White at Full Circle Associates Online]
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2004) “Shared awareness key to successful computer-supported collaboration” In ICTlogy,
#14, November 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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