- How can eResearch contribute to enhance Research?
- e-Research: opportunities and challenges for social sciences
- The Network of the People
- Gender Evaluation for Social Change
- Measuring digital development for policy-making: Models, stages, characteristics and causes. The role of the government
- Policies to increase ICT usage in developed countries
Politics 2.0
- Rachel K. Gibson: 2.0 electoral campaigns: how do the new web tools reconfigure local electoral campaigns?
- Manuel Castells: Politics and Internet in Obama era
Monograph: Citizen Politics
- Citizen politics (I): Jordi Segarra: New and old strategies of political communication
- Citizen politics (II): E-Electoral Politics
- Citizen politics (III): Parties and Elections in the US
- Citizen politics (IV): New Mobilization Strategies
- Citizen politics (V): Impacts on Knowledge and Participation
- Citizen politics (VI): Online Public Sphere
- Citizen politics (VII): Round Table