Monograph. Making All Voices Count: Appropriating Technology for Accountability
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (I). Rosie McGee: What roles do and don’t technologies play in citizen voice and transparency for achieving accountable and responsive governance?
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (II). Tech per se (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (III). Tech per se (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (IV). Tech as part of the mix (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (V). Tech as part of the mix (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VI). Take-away thoughts
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VII). Governance actors, processes and relationships
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VIII). Open Government Partnership (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (IX). Open Government Partnership (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (X). What has MAVC learnt about supporting work in this field?
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (XI). Lessons about supporting work in this field
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (XII). So what?