Monograph. APROPIATIC. VI Encuentro académico: Apropiatic. Uso y apropiación de la tecnología para el aprendizaje
- APROPIATIC (I). Kenneth C. Green: Use and appropriation of technology in higher education. The Campus Computing Project
- APROPIATIC (II). Stefania Druga: Envangelizing technology for learning. Hackidemia
- APROPIATIC (III). Emilio Alvarado Badillo: Education of the future: Projections into the future
- APROPIATIC (IV). Larry Cooperman: Open education: what is it, why is it, for whom is it and how to begin
- APROPIATIC (V). Larry Cooperman: Higher Education, Virtual Education, Open Education
- APROPIATIC (VI). Ismael Peña-López: Unfolding educational institutions. Strategies and tools for networked learning
- APROPIATIC (VII). Peter C. Mantell: the future of online education