Monograph: Doctoral education and e-Supervision
- Global Revolution (I). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)
- Global Revolution (II). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)
- Global Revolution (III). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)
- Global Revolution (IV). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)
Monograph: Three years of interconnected riots. Emergence, evolution and challenges of the network movements in the context of the #GlobalRevolution
- e-Supervision (I). Opening Session
- e-Supervision (II). Ismael Peña-López. e-Supervision: framing the debate
- e-Supervision (III). Olive Mugenda. e-Supervision to support the development of doctoral studies in Africa
- e-Supervision (IV). Innovative tools enabling e-supervision
- e-Supervision (V). From theory to practice: models, experiences, opportunities and challenges of e-supervision
- e-Supervision (VI). How can e-supervision contribute to improve doctoral education in Africa
- e-Supervision (VII). Concluding Session