The UNESCO Chair in e-Learning of the Open University of Catalonia is organizing on October 6-7 its VII International Seminar, this year about Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development.
The programme and very much in the line of the UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar: Fighting the Digital Divide through Education which I had the chance to attend. The scheduled speakers are:
- Miguel Nussbaum, Universidad Católica de Chile: Integrating technology and pedagogy in the classroom.
- Jill Attewell, LSN Research Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, UK: Mobilising technology for learning – lessons from MoLeNET.
- Steve Vosloo, Shuttleworth Foundation, Cape Town: mLearning in Africa: Lessons from the m4Lit project.
- Carolina Jeux, Fundación Telefónica, Spain: Analysis of the m-learning practices in Telefónica regarding its different stakeholders: Employees and Families, Customers and Society.
- Matthew Kam, Carnegie Mellon University, USA: Mobile Phones and Language Literacy in Rural Developing Regions.
- Magí Almirall, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain: Learning technologies in mobile scenarios.
- John Traxler, University of Wolverhampton, UK: Mobiles for Learning in Africa…. Too Good to be True?.
- Dolors Reig, Consultant & editor-in-chief at the ICT – educational weblog El Caparazón, Spain: Mobile Learning in rural environments and development countries.
- Fernando Moreira, Associated Professor at the Universidade Portucalense, Portugal: A Blended Mobile Learning Model-Context Oriented (BML-CO).
- Thomas Putz, Project manager at Evolaris Next Level, Austria: The Project “Mobile Game Based Learning”.
- Claudia Aparicio, Fundación Telefónica, Colombia: Requirements and opportunities for the development of a mobile learning strategy in emergent countries.
Plenary Debate:
- Social and Ethical Issues in Education Technologies, moderated by Manuel Castells, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3, UOC).
More information
- Official website of the UNESCO Chair in e-Learning VII International Seminar: Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development
- UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning blog.
- Liveblogging notes from previous UOC UNESCO Chair International Seminars.
- #eLChair10 Twitter hashtag.