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I am proud to announce the 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference, this time dealing about Cloud Computing and the challenges it poses in the fields of Law and Politicals.
The event will take place in Barcelona, Spain, the 7th and 8th July, 2010. There will be translation in Spanish, Catalan and English and registration is open and free.
Wednesday 7 July 2010
8.30 am
- Accreditations
9.00 am
- Welcome
- Pere Fabra, UOC Vice President for Academic Organisation and Faculty.
- Agustí Cerrillo, Director of the UOC’s Law and Political Science department.
9.30 am
- Keynote speech: Privacy in the Cloud, a Misty Topic?
- Ronald Leenes, professor, Tilburg University.
Moderator: Mònica Vilasau, UOC.
10.30 am
- Coffee break
11.00 am
- Myths and Realities of Cloud Computing
- EyeOS.
- Moderator: Ismael Peña (UOC).
12.00 pm
- Round table: Key Legal Aspects for Putting your Business in the Cloud.
- Xavier Ribas, lawyer, Landwell Global.
- Manel Martínez Ribas, lawyer, ID-LawPartners.
- Ramon Miralles, Coordinator of Information Security and Auditing, Catalan Data Protection Agency.
- Moderator: Miquel Peguera, UOC.
2.00 pm
- Lunch
4.00 pm
- Round table: Cloud Computing: A New Dimension in Teleworking?
- Javier Thibault Aranda, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Carmen Pérez Sánchez, IN3 researcher, UOC.
- Javier Llinares, Managing Director, Autoritas Consulting.
- Moderator: Ignasi Beltrán UOC.
6.00 pm
- Conclusions from the first day.
- Karma Peiró, Participation Manager,
Thursday, 8 July 2010
9.30 am
- Keynote speech: The Cloud’s Shadow: The State of Freedom on the Net
- Karin Deutsch Karlekar, Senior Researcher and Managing Editor, Freedom of the Press Index, Freedom House.
10.30 am
- Coffee break
11.00 am
- From Electronic Administration to Cloud Administration
- Discussion with:
- Nagore de los Ríos, Director of Open Government and Internet Communication, Basque government.
- Joan Olivares, Managing Director of Catalonia’s Open Electronic Administration Consortium.
- Moderator: Agustí Cerrillo, UOC.
12.30 pm
- Round table: Cyber-crime prosecution
- Rubèn Mora, head of Technologies of Information Security Department, Mossos d’Esquadra.
- Francisco Hernández Guerrero, Prosecutor, Andalusia.
2.00 pm
- Lunch
4.00 pm
- Round table: Citizen Participation in the Cloud: Risk of Showers?
- Evgeny Morozov. Yahoo! fellow, Georgetown University’s E. A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.
- Albert Batlle, UOC.
- Moderator: Ismael Peña, UOC.
6.00 pm
- Conclusions from the second day.
- Karma Peiró, Participation Manager,