ICT4D Blog

Najet Teutit: Digital Solidarity: New Forms of Solidarity for Development

Notes from the II Encuentro Internacional TIC para la Cooperación al Desarrollo (Development Cooperation 2.0: II International Meeting on ICT for Development Cooperation) held in Gijón, Spain, on February 10-12th, 2009. More notes on this event: cooperacion2.0_2009. More notes on this series of events: cooperacion2.0.

Towards a World network for digital solidarity
Najet Teutit. Deputy Director of World Digital Solidarity Agency.

Digital solidarity is a grassroots initiative to bridge digital development.

The Digital Solidarity Agency provide expertise, monitoring and promote catalyst actions within the digital solidarity world.

The “1% digital solidarity” principle: a new tax on public ICT markets. Not widely implemented: european regulatory framework of ICTs difficult to change, recent initiative, etc.

Lyon Declaration for Digital Solidarity: call to federate joint action in the ICT sector, with two main outcomes:


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