ICT4D Blog

Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (VII): Community 2.0

Matthew Row
Meervisage – A community based annotation tool

Semantic = meaning.
Ontology: Formal specification of concepts and relatinos between those concepts
Semantic web: Annotating web resources with semantic metadata using a predefined explicit ontology. Machine understandable information

The social web is not (yet) semantic

Annotation requirements

Web 2.0 applications: Flickr, YouTube, del.icio.us


Daniel Trottier
Lateral Surveillance and Social Networking Sites: The case of Facebook

Approach to Social Networks Surveillance

Facebook and ubiquitous computing: focus on ease of use (interface), and on engagement.

Facebook and ubiquitous networking: related to lots of other apps… and growing.

Facebook and ubiquitous surveillance: pervassive and passive surveillance.

Facebook and lateral surveillance: surveillance performed by individuals, not institutions. Democratization of surveillance. Users as watchers and watched.

Invisible devices, visible users.

My reflections

Charlene Croft
Which Web 2.0? – Why Context Matters

Which Web 2.0? Facebook, MySpace, and why context matters (PDF)

Hype of computer mediated communication

At some point of time, virtual networks/relationships have no more been a “side part of life”, complementary to “real” (offline) life, but the center of debate, entertainment, participation, interaction, etc.

Profile differences and technical specifications


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