ICT4D Blog

Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (I): Bernie Hogan: Capturing Online Social Networks

The Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 is taking place at the University of York, organized by the Social Informatics Research Unit. Here come my notes.

Keynote Speech: Bernie Hogan
Capturing Online Social Networks: Techniques, Insights and Challenges

Network Analysis

Importance of network analysis. How to tell who’s the most connected, who’s connected to who and how

Networks can be made up of subgroups/subnetworks, even multiple spare networks somehow connected one to each other by a common node that just bridges them.

Personal Networks

Network Analysis Tools

Social Bookmarking

Social news: people will filter news for each other. Slashdot, reddit, Digg. Based on collaborative work/research and ways of voting the news/user.

Distribution of stories made popular in Digg: power curve, but really steep.

Limits of Social Networks

Comments from the audience

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