ICT4D Blog

OII SDP 2007 (XXVIII): Cultivating the Commons on Flickr.com: Community 2.0

Student research seminar: Rachel Cobcroft

In his consideration of Verkeersbordvrij, Jonathan Zittrain poses the challenge of identifying the technical tools and social structures that inspire people to act humanely online. This presentation engages with the notions of philanthropy and gift giving in virtual communities, seeking to understand the factors that motivate members of Flickr.com to share their images under Creative Commons licensing. It seeks to identify the tipping point at which an individual’s focus is turned from their own ‘life blog’ towards participation in an online community, aspiring to collaborative, commons-based peer production. Investigating frameworks of P2P and integral theory and employing the methods of virtual ethnography, this research explores the way in which the wisdom of the crowd may be harnessed ethically and sustainedly, pointing towards best practice business models for web 2.0.

What’s like the framework that engages collective creation?

Factors influencing participation (4C)

Collaboration is the killer app
User-led development
The ‘produser’ (producer+user)

Motivations to Participate

Hemetsberger’s (2003) Motivational Framework:

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