ICT4D Blog

OII SDP 2007 (XIX): ‘Being There Together’ in Shared Virtual Environments and the Multiple Modalities of Online Connectedness

Lead: Ralph Schroeder

Researchers increasingly work at-a-distance and across institutional, disciplinary and geographical boundaries. What are the challenges of online collaboration? How is working in distributed mode different from face-to-face meetings and collaboration? When people work in a distributed group, what are the implications for trust and leadership? There are also ethical and legal issues in e-Research, such as the privacy and anonymity of data, intellectual property and access to shared digital resources. And finally, different disciplines organize online research in different ways. What are the lessons from these ways of working together? The lecture will examine both general issues in distributed research and individual e-Research projects.

Millions of people spend lots of hours online, most of them having entertainment. Besides what the goal of going online is, it actually has potentially huge implications, because we spend increasing time of our life in virtual environments. Indeed, it’s not just online, but media: TV is mediated communication and this is what the whole thing is about: mediated communication.

Definition of Virtual Environment (VE) technology as presence, plus interacting, and copresence.

Sense of presence: in a virtual CAVE-like system, a precipice is pictures with a walking plank across: do people just walk around and over/on the precipice or do they “cross” the plank? Sense of copresence: do people walk through each other in VE?


Findings about small groups in immersive systems

Technology determines the quality (and output) of interaction. For instance, an interaction of three people, two of them on desktops and the third one with virtual reality goggles, it is highly likely (statistically significant) that, asked after the experience, the one with virtual reality goggles will be pointed as the leader of the group — even if nobody new what was the others’ interface.

Findings about large groups in desktop non-immersive systems

Other New Media…

Linking SVEs and Other New Media

The Varieties of “Being There Together”

My reflections


Schroeder, R. (2006). “Being There Together and the Future of Connected Presence”. In Presence, August 2006, 15(4). Cambridge: MIT Press.
Schroeder, R. & Fry, J. (2007). “Social Science Approaches to e-Science: Framing an Agenda”. In Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(2), 563–582. Washington, DC: International Communication Association. Retrieved July 10, 2007 from http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol12/issue2/schroeder.html

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