The International Telecommunication Union has issued their report on world telecommunications: Measuring the Information Society 2007: ICT Opportunity Index and World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators.
The most relevant news is the publication of a new ICT index called the ICT Opportunity Index, which is the result of the merger of the ITU’s Digital Access Index (DAI) and Orbicom’s Monitoring the Digital Divide/Infostate conceptual framework
It is important to note that this new index is the one that UNCTAD used in their Information Economy Report 2006, and it is not the same one as the Digital Opportunity Index. While this last one, the DOI (published in the World Information Society Report), is the result of agreeing some basic common indicators to measure the Information Society, the so called ICT core indicators, the first one, the ICT-OI goes far beyond the focus on infrastructures of the DOI and includes categories such as skills, uptake and use intensity.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Measuring the Information Society 2007: ICT Opportunity Index and World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators” In ICTlogy,
#42, March 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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