ICT4D Blog

ICT4D Wikibooks

The Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP) realizes how fast a published book gets out-of-date, especially in the fast-moving field of information and communications technology for development (ICT4D). APDIP has therefore donated 15 of its e-Primers to Wikibooks for free use and update (see list below).

In my opinion, this is good news twofold:

These ICT4D Books belong to two previously issued collections, namely, the APDIP ICT4D e-Primers and the IOSN FOSS Primers, and can be found in the following places:

The titles, so far, are:

  1. The Information Age
  2. Legal and Regulatory Issues in the Information Economy
  3. Nets, Webs and the Information Infrastructure
  4. Information and Communication Technologies for Poverty Alleviation
  5. Internet Governance
  6. e-Government
  7. e-Commerce and e-Business
  8. ICT in Education
  9. Genes, Technology and Policy
  10. Free/Open Source Software: A General Introduction
  11. Free/Open Source Software: Education
  12. Free/Open Source Software: Government Policy
  13. Free/Open Source Software: Licensing
  14. Free/Open Source Software: Localization
  15. Free/Open Source Software: Open Standards

[via The Development Gateway]


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