Taking as a baseline Open Knowledge, Free Society, the 3rd edition of the Online congress of the Observatory for Cybersociety will take place from November 20th to December 3rd, 2006.
Five working groups have been created:
- Topic A: Policy and social change
- Topic B: Identity and Social groups
- Topic C: Communication and culture
- Topic D: Education and learning
- Topic E: Critic and Innovation
each one still accepting papers for submission (deadline: October 30th).
The whole congress is a gem but, if you focus on ICT4D issues, Topic A. Policy and social change is your place.
If I had to pick one or two tracks — choose or die — I’d take these two:
- A-6. Las TIC y la cooperación al desarrollo: después de la Cumbre Mundial para la Sociedad de la Información [ICTs and cooperation for development: after WSIS], coordinated by friends Manuel Acevedo and Mila Gascó.
- A-7. Los Telecentros, ¿un recurso necesario para alcanzar una sociedad más libre? [Telecenters: a necessary resource to reach a freer society?], coordinated by Ricard Faura and Jose David Carracedo, whom (Jose David) I met when we organized the II Workshop on Internet and Solidarity and spent together richest time.
Feel like registering?