ICT4D Blog

Open Education 2006 (VIII): Benefits and Tools for Open Content

Here come my notes on the Open Education 2006: Community, Culture, and Content that we are attending:

Friday, September 29, 2006
Concurrent sessions

Open Content in Education: The Instructor Benefits of MIT OpenCourseWare
Preston Parker, Utah State University

Five ways to be compensated:

Benefits of “Open Content”:

How are people compensated:

Institutional benefits (of OCW):

What are faculty benefits:

Open Business Models:

Tools for Creating Open Content: CMS4OCW and CMS4ROCKL. When Teachers Want to Share.
Pedro Pernias & Manuel Marco Such, Universidad Alicante

CMS4OCW: CMS for OCW. For institutions.
CMS4ROCKL: CMS for content for knowledge and learning. For individuals, creating p2p repositories.

Both tools facilitate the creations of organized structures tgo aggregate context for the individual items. Each course is a especific “portal” to access the catalogue. They are CMS (not LMS), handle Scorm, let users create more complex structures by using single items, creates a repositoryof Scorm packagge which can be harvested easily through MHP or OAI, sindicates through RSS.

The user can upload documents and files to “my contents”. Organize the documents & files there and preview the results.

LOR@: Learning Objects Repository Architecture. Not a repository, but an architecture.


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