ICT4D Blog

Open Education 2006 (III): OER in Europe and Nepal

Here come my notes on the Open Education 2006: Community, Culture, and Content that we are attending:

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Concurrent sessions

Open Educational Resources in Europe: A Triptych of Actions to Support Participation in Higher Education
Paul Kirschner, Keep Jan van Dorp, Andrew Lane, & Peter Varwijk, Open Universiteit Nederland

Open Educational Resources help the shift from teacher centered education to student centered education.

The European Association of Distance Teaching Universities is presented, specially their MORIL (401 Kb) project.

Then Open Learn project. Supported by Moodle as VLE, there are two complementary sites: the Learning Space and the Lab Space. These spaces should be fed with almos 15,000 hours of materials.

Last, Open Universiteit Nederland‘s OpenER project is explained. It uses eduCommons platform. 16 coursesw of 25 study hours each.

Enhancing Youth-Managed Resource Centers in Nepal
Tiffany Ivins & Jeffrey Lee, World Education

“A literate woman means a literate nation”.
“The fundamental question about education is, what is to know?” (Paulo Freire).

Literacy for Social change:

Learning materials about health (AIDS, Malaria), gender issues (equality), etc. But, how to sustain literacy skills after funding fades? We have to create literate-rich environments. But how, when not even press exists? Provide access to books, media, literature (especially information for development) to foster functional literacy.


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