I’ve been sent news about the release of The Dynamics of Technology for Social Change, a book by Jonathan Peizer. The book is about ICT projects in nonprofit and development environments. The index looks quite good:
Chapter 1: The Soros foundations network: Catalyzing Change
Chapter 2: The Internet Program: Web Surfing a Revolution
Chapter 3: AFS: Using Technology Strategically to Facilitate Change
Chapter 4: Sector Dependencies, Collaboration Dynamics, and ICT Challenges
Chapter 5: Marketing, Promotion, and Trusted-Source Relationships
Chapter 6: Nonprofit Capacity: Issues & Promising Approaches
Chapter 7: Sustainability: Balancing the Profit and Value Motive
Chapter 8: Implementation Strategies: Pilot versus Mega Projects
Chapter 9: Implementation or Evaluation: Prioritizing the Criteria for Success
Chapter 10: FOSS in the Nonprofit Environment
Chapter 11: The Donor-Advised Support Conference Afterword
Appendix A: The Internet Program Projects
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2006) “Book Review: The Dynamics of Technology for Social Change” In ICTlogy,
#33, June 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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