ICT4D Blog

Last Mile vs. First Mile

The term last mile is used in telecommunications to mean the last place an infrastructure is set because of being difficult, expensive, not profitable, etc. to implement. It is usually associated with rural communities, where the concept of living in the last mile is even more graphic.

Titus Moetsabi is said to be the father of the term First Mile as a matter to raise awareness on digital inclusion issues for rural communities.

I’ve written before about this subject and even about First Mile Solutions in the framework of a post about the IV Conference on Technology for Human Development.

Now I read a post about USAID’s Last Mile Initiative. The good news is not the project itself — I mean, not the only ones ;) — but that a good bunch of pages have been published about the whole project, including the complete baseline report and all the research instruments.

BTW, The DOT-COM Alliance is a USAID-funded program to promote the use of information and communications technology (ICT) across all development sectors.


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