ICT4D Blog

ICTlogy: ICT4D personal portal

When this blog started, my intentions (as stated in About ICTlogy v1.0) were rather simple and were no more than sharing knowledge and experience in a very concrete area of ICT4D under a focus of content and services, mainly e-learning, online volunteering and knowledge management.

Then came the ICT4D Wiki and even after came the ICT4D learning objects repository, two other ways of sharing more knowledge that I gathered here and there – only the blog brought new knowledge to the whole thing.

Somewhere in time I decided to upload the articles – most of them untranslated – and communications – actually just a list, any of them yet uploaded – I made. Good or bad, that was new knowledge and thus I hoped to correct the unbalance I face towards human kind in general, and the blogosphere in particular ;)

This new phase I’m just starting will be reflected also here. I’m in the process of reorganizing the site as sort of a “personal portal” – is it an e-portfolio? a personal knowledge environment? who cares. Some changes are already visible in the header of this page you’re reading. Some I hope will be not that noticeable but deeper in content and concept.

To do this, under the general concept/domain of ICTlogy I’ve set up the following contents:

On the personal side, an about me section

introduces the articles and communications sections, a contact form and a disclaimer that says that (usually) everything found here is under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Creative Commons License.BTW, since yesterday this blog is powered by WordPress 2.0 and things seem to be working cute. Kudos to the WP team! :)


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