The Department of Communication at the University of Washington runs a grey literature archive for development researchers and practitioners
on Information and Communication for Development (ICT4D) issues.
This is a database of grey literature about how information and communication technologies are being used to solve social problems in developing countries.
Grey literature includes project reports, academic research, working papers, pre-prints, committee proceedings, scientific and technical documentation, and feature news articles, that are not easily accessible through the usual bibliographic sources.
The database not only holds a very interesting listing of documents, but the documents themselves, being searchable by country and (yet inactive options) country group, organization, technology and funding.
Terrific resource! :)
- For more resouces on ICT4D, you can visit ICT4D Resources in my ICT4D Wiki
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2005) “The Dept. of Communication at the U. of Washington ICT4D archive” In ICTlogy,
#27, December 2005. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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Here i am from bangladesh.Where 140 million people live, whose58.8% live under poverty line.And 20 million are educated people.
Could your ict4d play a role to gie these people a stand to live and promote their livelyhood ?
Awaiting your humanitarian response….and right suggestion.
With a lot of thanks for giving time
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: well… I guess… I think efficiency and performance are boosted by ICT where possible in all aspects of economy :)