Volunteering and Online Facilitation: resources

Yesterday I got an e-mail that asked for some help on finding resources about online facilitation and networking for a volunteering course.

Just had 5 minutes for her, but guess the advice I gave her was fair enough to share:

Borges, Federico (2005). «La frustración del estudiante en línea. Causas y acciones preventivas». Digithum UOC. N.º 7.
<http://www.uoc.edu/digithum/7/dt/esp/borges.pdf> [cited 30/05/2005].

Baumgartner, Peter (2005). ‘How to choose a Content Management Tool according to a Learning Model’ In elearningeuropa.info, 17 May 2005. Brussels: European Commission
<http://www.elearningeuropa.info/index.php?page=doc&doc_id=6148&doclng=6&menuzone=0&focus=1&lng=en&go.x=13&go.y=9> [cited 23/05/2005]

Full Circle Associates, Nancy White’s page (www.fullcirc.com)

Online Facilitation distribution list:

Peña López, Ismael (2001). La coordinación y el trabajo en red. Gestión de las ONG, proyectos y formación webcéntricos: el Campus for Peace. Barcelona: UOC
<http://www.uoc.edu/web/esp/art/uoc/pena1201/pena1201.html> [cited 01/05/2005]

Sugrue, Brenda (2004). ‘Five Instructional Design Principles Worth Revisiting’ In The Criterion, Spring Issue 2004. Silver Spring: ISPI-FRC
<http://www.ispi-frc.org/newsletter/docs/Sugrue_Five_ID_Principles_final.pdf> [cited 01/06/2005]

White, Nancy(2004). Online Group Facilitation skills: An Evolving Practice. Draft.



If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2005) “Volunteering and Online Facilitation: resources” In ICTlogy, #25, October 2005. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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