Just gathering info…
- EdTechPost: post on the release and links to reviews
- Edutools: Product Information
- Edutoools: Comparison with proprietary LMSs
- Edutools: Comparison with free software LMSs
- Sierto: post on the release
- e-Literate: “First Impression of Sakai 2.0: Better Than I Expected”
- Sakai Project: home page
- Sakai Project: news on the release
- Sakai Project: Release page for version 2.0.0
Just remember that
The Sakai Project is a community source software development effort to design, build and deploy a new Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) for higher education.
The Sakai Project has its origins at the University of Michigan and Indiana University, where both universities independently began open source efforts to replicate and enhance the functionality of their existing CMSs . Soon after, MIT and Stanford joined in and, along with the Open Knowledge Initiaitive (OKI) and the uPortal consoritum, and a generous grant from the Mellon Foundation, they formed the Sakai Project.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2005) “Sakai 2.0” In ICTlogy,
#22, July 2005. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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