Josie Fraser posts about Regional Suport Centre Wales’s e-Toolbox where you can find information pertaining to a variety of software which can be used to develop learning situations
Josie “complains” whether reviews or examples will be added to the tools posted in the database – now there’re neither reviews nor examples. I completely agree. So far, the only thing you can find is some specifications, being amongst them the product URL.
Nevertheless, the idea is quite good.
I wonder if it is going to grow in such a way that it becomes useless because of infoxication or it will remain “under control”. This is kind of a self-criticism because I’m running an ICT4D Wiki – for personal uses, so far – and I was wondering whether I should open it to anyone to read it and/or open it to anyone to edit it.
On one hand, the more people the more content, and this is good.
But if I/we am/are going to make a copy of portals such as The Development Gateway or The Digital Divide Network, what’s the meaning of it all?
Keep thinking about it…