ICT4D Blog

Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide

My subscription to one of the lists of The Development Gateway leads me to… plenty of things!

The University of California, within the framework of his Global Information Internship Program, has scheduled a course called IT Design & Application for Social Change

One of the readings for the course is a Mark Warschauer article called Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide

The second reading concerning this subject is another article by Mark Warschauer: Demystifying the Digital Divide

Both readings are simple but very nice to read (simple meaning that it is quite easy to understand for everyone – not that they are too simple and they give that different approach far away from the typical infrasctructure-only approach :)

BTW, I started the Wikipedia entry about Mark Warschauer: anyone can contribute? Now it is just a stub article.

Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide (174 Kb)
Demystifying the Digital Divide (171 Kb)


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