ICT4D Blog

Some questions about digital literacy

This semester I’m teaching Digital literacy and exclusion here at the Open University of Catalonia.

My colleague and responsible for the subject, professor Jordi Planella, told me he’d rather entitle the subject as Digital literacy and inclusion. Well, now that I’m fully into it, I guess the original title is better: in fact, it first deals with digital exclusion issues and how digital literacy projects must be designed to pursue an inclusion.

Besides this digression, the aim of the post was to share some questions that arose when correcting my students’ “homework”. They are invited to write three essays/analyses of a real digital literacy project. Last week they gave to me their first one.

Here come the questions or comments I made on them. Please consider them more rethorical/pedagogycal questions than real doubts (though there might be some ;). There are also some points the students made that I found also interesting to add here:


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