Today I had a meeting with Carlota Franco (Fundación Chandra), Xavier Capdevila and Guillermo Rojo (Fundació Fias), David Corominas (Red con Voz) and Eduardo Sánchez (Ingeniería Sin Fronteras).
We’re trying to organize the II Conference on Internet and Solidarity (more info soon) and in the course of the meeting four force ideas arose (first three by Eduardo, last on by David):
- Technology must be at society’s service (not the contrary)
- Universal access to technology/Internet is desirable
- (Universal) access is a right (not charity)
- Territories are socially builded; thus, they must be socially managed
Second and third points might seem the same, but are not: second one deals with access itself, but not the means of this access; third point deals with the (political, conceptual) means.
Fourth point deals with all kinds of territories, including virtual ones.