ICT4D Blog


My colleague Marc Recasens (thank you!!) points me to Connexions.

Connexions looks like a very interesting project. When getting to it the first thing that comes in mind is that you’re accessing a learning objects repository. Good.

But then you realize that it is not a repository you can look but better don’t touch, but a place where all contents are under a Creative Commons “attribution” license. So far, good enough.

What I think is really thrilling is the possibility of using these learning objects or modules and set up your own course. I mean, you dont’ need to download an entire course ten years long but you can build it from zero just taking the modules of you interest and leaving aside the ones you are not really fond of (because of time, because of scope, because of quality, etc.)

Of course, you can contribute to create new materials, which is also a very good thing ;)

More info:

PS: I know, I know, this is not what we’d call fresh news, but the Internet, you know, is sooo wide and deep… ;)


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