Yersterday I wrote about and the Virtual Volunteering Guidebook and said I was printing it for my Christmas readings.
Now that it’s printed and in top of my desk, I cannot avoid writing back about it. The work done by Susan J. Ellis and Jayne Cravens looks G.R.E.A.T! Its table of contents is quite a promise of interesting things about Online Volunteering management:
PART I: Answering Your Basic Questions
- Introduction: about what is “Virtual Volunteering”, why, who, how, etc.
- Chapter 1: Integrating the Internet into
Volunteer Management: the conversion of volunteers into online volunteers and what does this mean
PART II: Online Volunteer Management
- Chapter 2: Virtual Volunteering Work Design, about responsibilities, assignments design, etc.
- Chapter 3: Recruiting Online Volunteers
- Chapter 4: Selecting and Preparing Online Volunteers, about screening, orientation, skills, etc.
- Chapter 5: Working with Online Volunteers, about coordination and management
- Chapter 6: Evaluating and Recognizing Online Service, about reporting, evaluation, performance, etc.
- Chapter 7: Implementing a Virtual Volunteering Pilot Program
PART III: Making the Most of Online Service
- Chapter 8: Special Issues Online, about nettiquete, confidentiality, assistance, etc.
- Chapter 9: Involvement of People with Disabilities in Virtual Volunteering, about accessibility
- Conclusion
- About the Authors
- Appendix A: The Virtual Volunteering Demonstration Project
- Appendix B: Resources