ICT4D Blog

IV Conference on Technology for Human Development: impressions (part II)

[2nd part of 2]
[go to IV Conference on Technology for Human Development: impressions (part I)]


Impressions on the IV Conferencia Tecnología para el Desarrollo (IV Conference on Technology for Human Development), organized by Ingeniería Sin Fronteras (Engineers Without Borders).


Pilar Vélez and Antonio Cáceres (Diputación de Huelva) presented ADITAL, a project to give ICT based services to “farmers, ranchers and technicians of the agricultural sector throughout the world and especially the partner countries, Spain, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Denmark and Sweden”. Main services are:

Really impressive!


Karin Delgadillo (Fundación Chasquinet) and Michel Menou presented a network of telecenters (somos @ telecentros).

I really laughed when Michel Menou, talking about e-government, said “when designing e-government projects, if you do not know what to do, just upload it to the Internet”.

They gave some hints on ICT4D project design:

How to surely fail:

How to ease success:


Mairiana Morales (ISF) presented the Cuadernos Internacionales de Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano (Technology for Human Development International Papers). Number 2 has just seen the light and its subject is Information and Communication Technologies.

Very, very interesting… for those who can read Spanish ;)


Manuel Acevedo, talking about ICT4D and ICT related to Cooperation for Development reminded me of some great resources:


Elena Vuolo (ISF) talked also about ICT and Cooperation for development and pointed to the following institutions and their projects:


During the closing session, Christian Blanquart (ITU), talked about the right of ICT access in quite a pessimistic way (“an optimistic well informed” he defined himself ;) and ended saying:

We’ve got everything. We’ve got convergence in technology, in content and in services. There’s just the lack of a convergence in policy.”


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