ICT4D Blog

Collaborative creation of e-Learning Objects

In a post I wrote back in October (Is the free software model of production applicable to free educational content?) I talked about an article by Sergio Monge dealing with whether the free software model of production was applicable to free educational content.

Now, surfing around I get to a summary of the Special Interest Group Open Source for Education in Europe Seminar, held the 2nd October in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

There I’ve discovered a collaborative environment/tool to create e-Learning Objects called Eudukalibre:

Edukalibre is a project funded by the European Comission under the Socrates/Minerva program (aimed at the promotion of information and communications technology in education). Its main goal is to explore new ways of producing educational materials, based in the practices and procedures observed in the libre (free, open source) software development community.

Of course, the resulting software is F/OSS and it is being integrated with Moodle.

Anyway, the article by Sergio Monge was not about tools but more about strategy, policy and behavior of the community of authors, but I think a well designed tool can enhance the weakest points of this community.

By the way, I don’t know whether Edukalibre (“Freeducation”) is a good tool – they’re just in half their way through the project – but it looks, so far, a good start, but with a lot of work to be done.


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