ICT4D Blog

Blogger Corps (was: Not for profit blogs (revisited))

Rebeca MacKinnon at RConversation:

socially conscious members of the blogging community (of all political persuasions) might want to organize a “Blogger Corps.” Through it, bloggers could donate their time to help poorly funded activists or non-profit groups to figure out what blogging tools are right for them, set up blogs, and develop effective blogging strategies

Nancy White at Full Circle Associates:

Do we need a Blogger Corps? Or do we need to continue to do a bit more overtly what already happens: help each other. Post short cuts and tips. Welcome each other. Point people to free resources. Read and comment on new bloggers’ blogs as a form of coaching and encouragement.

Working in the NPO/NGO community, I get a bit jaded about yet another group. Maybe we need to simply plug into existing groups? On the flip side, creating a service identity in the blogosphere has value as well.

In my opinion, there’s no need to create this specific volunteers group but add, in some other online volunteering sites, a new category related to blog coaching. And foster and foster online volunteering, besides if it develops web sites or designs online learning content.


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