ICT4D Blog

Internet Global Congress 2004

On Wednesday I went to the Internet Global Congress 2004, to the “Society, Politics and Culture – Internet for Everyone” track. Well, not bad, but not great at all.

Here come some of my notes, notes to self in fact, as they are neither exhaustive nor formatted. Just notes.

Ramon Sangüesa, talked about Digital cities as knowledge cities, networked cities and social networks.

He quoted Ron Dvir’s “Innovation engines for knowledge cities” and the need for urban facilitators to make of the city a knowledge centre (i.e. universities, newspapers, international airports, etc.)

He also explained Leif Edvinsson’s requirements for key networks: production (pyramidal), development (flat), innovation (network)

What’s needed to start a knowledge network?

My opinion: while social networks are centred in who you are (Orkut, Friendster, etc.), the blogosphere (RSS, Bloglines, and so) is cantered in what you do: isn’t this more efficient/transparent?

Alfons Cornella talked also about Digital cities.

He said a Digital City must think, move (atoms and bytes) and have a market (an international one). It must also be a shared project amongst all the actors.

Robert Kahn, in Open architecture for digital obects, explained us about DOI: digital object identifier. I understood it was something similar to ICANN’s DNS but to identify (quality) objects in the network. More info: www.handle.net

Ashok Jhunjhunwala, in Internet and Rural India, made an astonishing presentation about what India is doing with ICTs for people, and not ICTs for themselves.

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