ICT4D Blog

Expoelearning Europe 2004

Next Thursday, march 11th, I will be at Expoelearning Europe 2004. The Congress is three days long (10th to 12th) but as two colleagues are speaking one on Wednesday and another one on Friday, I’ll only attend Thursday’s sessions, all of them a monographic about e-Learning and Free Software.

Here’s a little table of contents of these sessions:

Full programme here.

I am really interested in Free Software e-Learning solutions, as I think it is a good option for non-profits to run e-Learning platforms at a reasonable cost and be able to implement e-Learning programmes for underdeveloped countries or for their own organization.

There’re other solutions, of course, as you can see, for example, in my previous post ;)

BTW, feel free to contact me if you think we could meet there :)


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